Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror – A reminder of original horror

Despite how rapidly technology evolves and the years passing by, there are some films that are certainly worth our time. Horror films, as we know them today and all the trends that have been created in this industry, have a root, a source that must be appreciated and acknowledged. An all-time classic trend in horror … Continue reading

Trick ‘r Treat : The Halloween-must gets a sequel

The 2007 Halloween film Trick ‘r Treat, even though it’s not a masterpiece, it is definitely a good choice to set the mood for Halloween. Combining different horror stories into one film, it is a representative example of what real, scary Halloween could be like. As the story unravels, the viewer gets to see the stories … Continue reading

“Evil Dead” : What if remakes set the bar higher than the originals?

“The Evil Dead” vs “Evil Dead“. The differences we are talking about are huge. The original was released in 1981 and the remake more than 30 years later. So, it is no wonder that the remake has nothing to do with the original. Just by using the word “original“, someone might immediately connect that with … Continue reading

Can “Jeepers Creepers: The Cathedral” bring back the chills?

Apparently Jeepers Creepers is also one of those films that, for some reason, have to be brought back to life after year-long pauses. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is definitely risky. Especially in the case of Jeepers Creepers, the first part that was released in 2001 was everything a viewer should … Continue reading

“I Know Who Died In Your House”

Could you imagine what would happen in horror movies, if the main characters could actually find out, before they moved into the big haunted house, that in their prospective residence someone had previously died ? What if they could find out, with a few clicks and $12 only, if their home was the place where … Continue reading

The “Wolf Creek” psycho killer comes back

Mick Taylor, the psycho serial killer who roams the deserts of Australia, comes back after a ten-year-long break in a quest for carefree backpackers. The australian film Wolf Creek, released in 2005, is a very powerful horror film claiming to be based on true events. A powerful, yet unknown horror film, since, unfortunately, it didn’t quite … Continue reading

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